Letting the problem shape the direction you go
In my November 6 blog post , I talked about my general approach for trying to solve problems and formalize fuzzy ideas. In summary, it has two pieces that you alternate between: - Do lots of reading, thinking, and brainstorming about tools and perspectives you could use - Create formal, concrete proposals. Implement them, try them out. They'll probably have an issue somewhere, or be missing some important part of the idea you care about, but that's okay. You repeat this process and continually get closer to your goal. However, I've come to realize that this description is incomplete. It's a good approach when the tools already exist, and what you are trying to do is just a few steps away from the existing set of tools. The reading and thinking help you understand what tools are available and how they relate to your problem, and the formalizing is about trying out tools and seeing if they actually do what you want. Yet, sometimes the tools don't already exist. The pr...